I'm a lazy blogger. It's not that I don't have things to say, it's just that I feel my words are best used in my WIP or as a direct answer to a question--usually when someone needs help (or an opinion) over at Absolute Write.
I'm not much of a ranter. I'm too easy going and live-and-let-live to get offended by much (except what's with jeggings? With stirrups, no less!) And I'd write about writing but my peers already do an amazing job of that. I'm too busy reading their blogs to do a rehash of their great advice. Look to your right and down a bit. There they are. Go read them, too.
Which leaves me with a handful of my favorite things: books; food; LOLcats.
So let me tell you what I've been reading lately that I loved:
Lee Child's WORTH DYING FOR. Reacher is BACK.
Beth Bernobich's PASSION PLAY. Such a beautiful cover.
Jackie Morse Kessler's HUNGER.
Emma Donoghue's ROOM.
And I've just cracked the spine on Christopher Farnsworth's BLOOD OATH; it's a really fresh and riveting take on vampires.
This LOLcat is cracking me up.
And if anyone would like to bring me a bacon cheeseburger right about now, that would be swell. I'd be super-grateful.
Also, if you've read something drop-dead amazing lately, please share. I'm always looking for my next favorite book.
power down by ben coes